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Showing posts from May, 2024

Kamadhoo, Baa Atoll, Maldives

 Kamadhoo, Baa Atoll, is a small, pretty island, with approximately 500 inhabitants, although less than 300 actually live on the island. The village stretches for about two thirds of the island, with a banana plantation and small agricultural plots of land where locals grow fruit and vegetables, followed by a large tourist beach on the remaining third. The beautiful tourist beach curves around the southern end of the island with sun loungers provided by the guesthouses. These can be pulled into the shade of the shoreline vegetation in the heat of the day and there is the ocean swing for those insta images! Another key aspect of the island is that the house reef can be accessed for snorkeling direct from the bikini beach and while weather didn't provide us the opportunity to snorkel ourselves at the time of our overnight visit, accounts by guests on the island and online, indicate it is full of marine life and worth spending time in the water. Based in the northern part of Baa Atoll

Inhabited island to be connected by seaplane.

  Seaplane services in the Maldives are poised for growth with Island Aviation Services Ltd (IASL) revealing intentions to include Thoddoo, Alif Alif Atoll, in its network. Thoddoo is set to be the second inhabited island to be connected by seaplane. Ibrahim Iyas, the Managing Director of IASL, highlighted the company's dedication to a comprehensive evaluation process before the launch. This involves inspecting the island, assessing risks in the coastal region, and analyzing environmental effects to guarantee safety and long-term viability. Iyas also mentioned that the expansion aligns with the government's objective of enhancing the accessibility of seaplane services. Ongoing discussions with relevant authorities are focused on benefiting both the local residents and guesthouse businesses on Thoddoo. Thoddoo Council President Ahmed Karam expressed his approval of the progress, emphasizing that improved air connectivity will greatly benefit the island's development. He high

Circumcision ceremony at N.Lhohi

  Every year during school break, muslim boys mostly below 10 years undergo a religious ritual of circumcision.  The main reason advanced by the religion for  circumision   is cleanliness or purification. According to Islam, it is vital that every Muslim wash before praying and it is also essential that after using the toilet, no urine should be left in any part of the body. Without circumcision, there are always chances that some urine will remain within the prepuce after using the toilet. Due to the fact that the prepuce is removed during the procedure, there is no chance for urine to remain in any part of the body after using the restroom. As such, in the absence of the foreskin, it is relatively easier to keep the penis clean.  In Maldives, it is believed that circumcision ceremony is an important milestone for boys hence it’s celebrated colorfully throughout the country. Mostly the houses where the ceremony is held is lit up with multiple colours of fairy lights, “hithaanee” decor

The Maldives offers an incredibly romantic setting for couple.

The Maldives offers an incredibly romantic setting for couples seeking a memorable getaway. With its breathtaking natural beauty, thrilling water activities, and opulent accommodations, it is an ideal destination to create unforgettable moments and even ask the most important question of your life. While there are numerous creative ways to propose, the most memorable ones are often the ones that catch your partner off guard. 📷 uravali  For those seeking to enhance the uniqueness of their proposal, a secluded sandbank serves as an ideal setting. The Maldives boasts numerous isolated sandbanks where resorts and guest houses are willing to transform it into your own private paradise for a limited time. Although this arrangement can be made at any time.