Circumcision ceremony at N.Lhohi


Every year during school break, muslim boys mostly below 10 years undergo a religious ritual of circumcision. The main reason advanced by the religion for circumision is cleanliness or purification.

According to Islam, it is vital that every Muslim wash before praying and it is also essential that after using the toilet, no urine should be left in any part of the body. Without circumcision, there are always chances that some urine will remain within the prepuce after using the toilet.

Due to the fact that the prepuce is removed during the procedure, there is no chance for urine to remain in any part of the body after using the restroom. As such, in the absence of the foreskin, it is relatively easier to keep the penis clean. 

In Maldives, it is believed that circumcision ceremony is an important milestone for boys hence it’s celebrated colorfully throughout the country. Mostly the houses where the ceremony is held is lit up with multiple colours of fairy lights, “hithaanee” decorations and tea. Ceremony usually lasts for 3 days up to 7 days depending on the recovery of the child. All the family members gather in to the same place during this period of time and try their best to entertain the kids while they are recovering. This becomes a core memory of their childhood. In the island, everyone will participate by giving them gifts and tokens to make them feel better and feel part of the community. This tradition has been maintained for generations. 
