In Maldivian folklore, the Maakana, or Grey Heron, one of our most recognizable birds, is frequently depicted as a stubborn and cheeky trickster. They can be easily observed searching for small fishes at the water's edge or walking the island like a statue.
Maakana has a strong pink-yellow bill, an outstretched neck, grey above and white below, and a length of 84 to 102 cm. They average between 1 and 2.1 kilograms in weight, which is surprising considering their size. In the wild, they live for about 15 years on average. They use a variety of hunting methods to catch their prey: They are able to remain stationary for an extended period of time until their prey is within striking distance; They can either drop into the water from above or walk carefully through shallow water before snatching prey casting.
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