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Tourists staying with local families


The Maldives is nothing new to vacationers  from near to  far. With growth within the retirement agencies of the  inhabited islands, the relationship between the Maldives and transportation from  around the world has turned into a  much less formal relationship, one mile long. This is again backed by a homestay tourism company scheduled to start in 2022.

While Maldivian locals are happy to receive tourists in their islands and businesses, there has also been friction at times due to differing cultures and lifestyle. Much like any other country even in the West, in Maldives wearing bathing suits and public displays of affection and indecent behaviours among locals and destinations outside of the tourist hotels and resorts are frowned upon. Most tourists are well aware of these rules and are happy to oblige out of respect for the locals and their way of life. But some instances of public drunkenness and improper clothing in local islands has made its way into the news in recent years. 

With the introduction of homestay tourism, tourists living in close quarters with local families will change the dynamic in new ways. And managing expectation on both sides of the industry will be key to the successful implementation of this tourism model. Homestay tourism by definition entails tourists living with local families and engaging with the community for a more authentic experience of local culture and lifestyle. Homestay tourism will boost local businesses and prove to be an incentive for locals to preserve cultural norms and community engagement.

Local families who choose to host tourists in their homes will have a reasonable expectation of having their household rules obeyed such as guests dressing and behaving decently in common areas of the house, respecting their family values and home as well. Tourists who choose homestay’s will expect some degree of security and privacy inside the household. 

A code of ethics and conduct, protocols for emergency situations and a guide to troubleshooting problems as they arise will play a significant role in ensuring both host families and tourists are protected. Having a comprehensive set of guidelines and regulations host families and tourists has to follow will be helpful in navigating into this brand new industry in Maldives. 


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